Bristol Who’s Who Recognizes Diomira Rose D’Agostino

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Diomira Rose D’Agostino is a holistic healing practitioner, metaphysician, author and Founder of Faery Light, LLC. Faery Light is an organization dedicated to promoting awareness and exchange between people and the natural realms of faeries, helping mankind to awaken to our intimate connection with nature and our Earth as we grow and evolve. She is widely known as a global Faery Ambassador, and teaches and travels internationally on behalf of human and faery partnership.

Ordained in 2012, Diomira also is a Healing Minister of Inner Quest Church, serving as a channel of light across all realms, whether seen or unseen, physical or metaphysical. Through the Church and Faery Light, she leads workshops, retreats and releases monthly faery messages concerning healing, planetary transformation and awakening, energy updates, Faery Wisdom Teachings and stories about her work within and among the Faery Realms.

Diomira is also a published author. Her first novel, Awakening the Rose, was released in September 2014 and is the first book in The Forest Speaks series. It can be found on Amazon. The second book in The Forest Speaks series, Through the Eyes of the Dragon, is scheduled for release later this month (February 17, 2016).

Diomira has been working with the faery energies for nearly a decade, and has dedicated her career to spreading the Faery Wisdom Teachings. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in Modern language and Culture with an emphasis on Spanish and Italian from Kennesaw State University in 2004. She credits her success to and a healthy dose of inspiration from her mother to connect with nature from an early age as well as her innate ability to incite in others a spark of magic. Giving people permission to believe in that which they have always known in their hearts to be true is the key, even if that truth remains unseen.

Diomira resides in Philadelphia, and pursues hiking, the great outdoors, cooking, avid reading and dance in her spare time.

Bristol Who’s Who Member Diomira D’Agostino can be found on the Who’s Who Directory, where she is looking forward to networking with you.

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