Bristol Who’s Who Recognizes Member of the Year Dr. Dale P. Layman

Dale Layman photo MOTY MM

The Honorable Dr. Dale P. Layman, AS, BS, MS, EdS, PhD#1, PhD#2, Grand PhD in Medicine, MOIF, FABI, DG, DDG, LPIBA, IOM, AdVMed, AGE, has been named Member of the Year, 2016, for his exceptional commitment and contribution to the Bristol Who’s Who Community.  He is an elite professional, who holds the distinction of being the first Grand Doctor of Philosophy (Grand PhD) in Medicine for the United States.  Dr. Layman is the founder and awe-inspiring speaker at the helm of Robowatch, LLC.  This international human rights organization is dedicated to “watching” the rapidly accelerating development of “robots” and other facets of AI (Artificial Intelligence).

The Honorable Layman is deeply worried about the rising, Global pandemic of psychosomatic technophilia.  This unique, new medical term was created by Dr. Layman to label a novel – - and almost worldwide – - disease process of the 21st Century.  Translated into English, psychosomatic technophilia literally means, “an abnormal love or attraction” (-philia) for “technology” (techn) that replaces the human “body” (somat) and “mind” (psych).  He sees psychosomatic technophilia as an almost-entirely undiagnosed and completely unrecognized form of OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder)!  The Good Shepherd (through his Spiritual Name, “Poor Dad”) hypothesizes that psychosomatic technophilia involves a strong behavioral addiction to nearly all forms of digital technology.  Probably most severe within the minds of computer scientists and roboticists, psychosomatic technophilia tends to blind the victim to the Grave Dangers inherent in the ever-more-uncontrolled and faster-paced doubling of computer power that occurs about every 18 months. (To the computer layperson, this rapid doubling occurs due to the continuous operation of Moore’s Law, Layman elucidates for us.) Therefore, according to these calculations it is almost CERTAIN that the digital technology now going into robots and supercomputers will equal HUMAN N.I. (Natural Intelligence), sometime around the Crossover Year 2030.  Layman highlights, This date is less than 1 generation (i.e., LESS THAN 20 years), from TODAY!  This form of AI = Human NI, has been technically called, Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).  How will we normal human beings be able to co-exist with computers and robots that are INTELLECTUALLY EQUAL TO OURSELVES?” Dr. Layman mercifully warns us.  “Will we almost HAVE TO implant computer chips into our natural brains, for our own NI to start keeping up with AI?  If so, this marks the purposeful ‘enhancement’ of human intelligence with elements of AI, thereby creating a Race of Cyborgs or Transhumanists!”  (There is a specific organization – - the World Transhumanist Association [WTA] – - that already HAS this goal as its chief aim!)


There are two so-called “Robot Revolutions” that have been going on, for some 8-to-10 years.  One of these is headed by Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan. The other was started by Barack Obama, current President of the United States!  Layman implies that “WE –THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES, WE – - THE PEOPLE OF JAPAN – -, AND WE - – THE PEOPLE OF THE ENTIRE WORLD – - must therefore act, SOON!”  Worried sick about this ALMOST ENTIRELY UNRECOGNIZED GLOBAL THREAT to Mankind’s Continuing Existence, Dr. Layman is transitioning his movement to the offensive in a series of bold videos and photographs. He seeks to create an ANTI-ROBOTIC, COUNTER-REVOLUTION, to take-on the Powers-That-Be and finally open the public’s eyes to the Humanity-Ending paradigm shift that has been occurring, all around them!  – - “Before it is TOO LATE!”
Dr. Layman’s research has yielded the inevitable conclusion that by The Death Year, 2045, AI will have FAR overtaken natural intelligence, and we will enter the era RIP (Robots In Place).  One driving force behind this looming catastrophe is what has been called an “Intelligence Explosion” of ever-greater levels of AI, which, in turn, keep making even greater levels of AI, on and on and on!  As we approach our Technological Extinction, he sounds the alarm of the ever-ticking “Robo-Death Clock.”  This represents the appearance of so-called “Strong AI,” or Artificial Superintelligence (ASI).  Its occurrence is called The Technological Singularity, that is, the Single Point in time when AI becomes Strong AI or Artificial Superintelligence (ASI), that may be over a thousand times more powerful than our own, Natural Minds!  PLEASE read an important book on this subject, such as, OUR FINAL INVENTION:  Artificial Intelligence And The End of The Human Era (by James Barrat, St. Martin’s Press, 2013).
The recipient of two recent 2016 Elite Honoree awards through Worldwide Branding, Dr. Layman was also awarded Man of the Year 2016-2017 by the International Association of Top Professionals. He is a distinguished VIP Lifetime Member of the Bristol Who’s Who Registry, and is a Human Rights Watch Partner of Justice.
As a professor, Dr. Layman has taught Physiology and Human Anatomy, as well as courses entitled “The World of Robotics” and “Nanotechnology.”  He has written seven books, including The Medical Language- A programmed body Systems Approach, The Terminology of Anatomy and Physiology, Biology Demystified: A Self-teaching Guide, Anatomy Demystified: A Self-teaching Guide, Physiology Demystified: A Self-teaching Guide, and Medical Terminology Demystified: A Self-teaching Guide. Layman’s current focus is researching and monitoring the development of artificial intelligence, and the impact on our society.
A voice against the popular indoctrination that robots belong in our homes and as our friends, Dr. Layman extols the dangers of when self-perpetuating manmade technology begins to unmake Man. He holds a Bachelor of Science with Distinction in Anthropology and Zoology from the University of Michigan and completed a Master of Science in Physiology from the University of Michigan Medical School. He also earned an EdS in Physiology and Health Science from Ball State University and received his first PhD in Health and Safety Studies at the University of Illinois.  The doctor then earned a second PhD, a Full Professorship, and a Grand PhD in Medicine from the Medicine Academie Europeenne D’Informatisation (EAI) and the World Information Distributed University (WIDU), in Brussels, Belgium.
The doctor uses his extensive expertise to educate others, as he firmly believes that he is “being called by God as His Foolish and Humble ‘Knowledge Servant’ to at least TRY to save Mankind – - BEFORE it is TOO LATE!” Known internationally for his work, in 2003 he was selected by a Grand Doctoral Committee to address the global problem of Homo sapiens being replaced by Robo sapiens, a competing cyborgean species.
Dr. Layman hopes to arm as many human beings across the world with what remains the most powerful weapon mankind can muster: knowledge. To learn more, visit
Bristol Who’s Who Member of the Year the Honorable Dr. Dale Layman, AS, BS, MS, EdS, PhD#1, PhD#2, Grand PhD, MOIF, FABI, DG, DDG, LPIBA, IOM, AdVMed, AGE, can be found on the Who’s Who Directory, where he is looking forward to networking with you.
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