Title : General Manager
Company Name: Shipyard Trogir
Location : Trogir,US
Specialty : All Policies, Overall Operations, Ship Building
Biography : -
Title : Owner & Operator
Company Name: Life Portraits
Location : Calgary,US
Specialty : Holistics, Color Imaging, Imaging, Health & Wellness
Biography : -
Title : Executive Assistant
Company Name: The University of Texas
Location : Austin,US
Specialty : Budgeting and H&R
Biography :She currently does volunteer work and is the Head of the Prayer Shawl Ministry at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Austin, Texas.
Title : CEO
Location : Geneva,US
Specialty : Humanitarian and Social Affairs, Global knowledge of world affairs
Biography : -
Title : Vice President
Company Name: Saudi Post
Location : Riyadh,US
Specialty : Government operated postal system in Saudi Arabia
Biography : -