Title : Principal Production Engineer
Company Name: Suncor Energy Exploration &Production
Industry : Oil & Energy
Location : Calgary,AB,Canada
Specialty : Oil and Energy
Biography :Philip Stemler is the Principle Production Engineer at Suncor E&P. He manages all critical issues which effect production of oil and energy for the company. His skills include product optimization, petroleum engineering, and reservoir engineering. Philip received his Bachelor of Science and Engineering from the University of Alberta. He credits his success to teamwork. Philip […]
Title : CEO
Company Name: Paradox-Engineering SARL
Industry : Motion Pictures and Film
Location : Antibes,France
Specialty : Motion Pictures and Film
Biography :Evgeniya Bernova is the Managing Director of MaltaRent Ltd, a company specializing in rental of motion picture equipment in Malta and Europe. Evgeniya has successfully operated a supplier of equipment and services to the film, television and media industry for more than 10 years in France, Germany, Russia and the CIS. Now her broad outlook […]
Title : Pyschiatrist
Company Name: Praxisgemeinschaft Langhaus
Industry : Mental Health Care
Location : Riniken,Swaziland
Specialty : Psychiatry/Trauma Therapy
Biography :Rene started his education considering sports medicine as a career, when he discovered his fascination with psychiatry and how the brain functions and responds to treatment, he decided to specialize in psychiatry. Rene specializes in treating patients with ADHS, depressive, traumatic and schizophrenic disorders. Rene tries to understand the patient, their issues and how they […]